Del Dominica provides a unique and sophisticated environment for cigar enthusiasts to indulge in their passion, socialize with like-minded individuals, and enjoy a relaxing and luxurious experience.
Step into the world of cigar accessories,
where every detail is crafted to elevate your smoking experience to new heights. These accessories are more than just tools; they are an invitation to immerse yourself in the art and ritual of cigar smoking, enhancing every moment of your journey.
Dominican Cigar Legends
The Dominican Republic has a rich history of cigar making and is home to some legendary figures in the cigar industry. Some of the most notable Dominican cigar legends are:
Was a pioneer in the Dominican cigar industry.
A Legend Lives On Cigar Journal
Founder of Padron Cigars
"Indulge in the art of relaxation and sophistication at our cigar lounge, where every puff is a moment of luxury. Our curated selection of premium cigars and exquisite accessories invites you to savor the finer things in life. Let us elevate your cigar experience, creating memories that linger long after the smoke has cleared."
del Dominica
Cigar Size Guide
Robusto: Typically 5 to 5 1/2 inches long with a ring gauge (diameter) of around 50.
Toro: Usually 6 to 6 1/2 inches long with a ring gauge of about 50 to 52.
Corona: Generally 5 1/2 to 6 inches long with a ring gauge of about 42 to 44.
Churchill: Typically 7 to 7 1/2 inches long with a ring gauge of around 47 to 50.
Panatela: Usually 5 to 7 1/2 inches long with a ring gauge of about 34 to 38.
Lancero: Typically 7 to 7 1/2 inches long with a ring gauge of about 38 to 40.